Forest Hills church of Christ
   Godly parents raised the author in the Southern Baptist tradition. At age twenty-four he began to discover, to his surprise, that many of the things he had been taught to believe were not in the Bible. Although he has long since left the Baptists, and become just a Christian, he nevertheless continues to appreciate his parents and early Sunday school teachers for instilling within him a love for the truth and the conviction that, if it is taught in the Bible, it is so. It was this deep-seated conviction that motivated him,
like the Berean Jews (Acts 17:11), to search the scriptures.
   While the U. S. Constitution guarantees each U. S. citizen the right to his own religious faith and practice, the Bible guarantees no one such a right. There were not, in the first century, a variety of religious bodies, hopes, faiths and baptisms, from which one could pick and choose. These are not “from heaven” but “of men” (see Matthew 21:23-27). Inspired men in the New Testament spoke and wrote of “the doctrine of Christ” and “the truth,” rather than of denominational “doctrines” and “truths.” “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:4-6). The writer/editor makes no claim to inspiration or infallibility and is willing to hear from any and all who disagree with the conclusions he has drawn.
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